Climate Justice
“Climate Justice is about realizing women and men play a meaningful and significant role in improving their wellbeing and enjoy their human rights through greater resilience to climate emergencies”
We thrive to ensure that women and girls have strengthened resilience through practicing climate smart agricultural practices that are both environmentally conducive and economically empowering.
As resources diminish, women and girls often take on more domestic and care work and in the events of disaster, women face increased threats of violence, sexual or economic abuse and younger girls can be forced into early marriages.
Our programs are centered around building resilience of the communities to withstand shocks through;
- Capacity building for women and youth groups on CMA.
- Training and Community sensitization.
- Networking and partnerships
Projects implemented under Climate Justice
- Supporting Women’s Climate Justice Solutions in relation to Agriculture project funded by Global Funds for Women.
- Skilling in Agriprenuership for increased youth employment (SAY) project funded by AVSI Foundation.
- Supporting pastoralism and agriculture in recurrent and protracted Crisis (SPARC) Project funded by CO WATER INTERNATIONAL