Yearly Archives: 2024

Self-Care Journeys in Lamwo

Self-Care Journeys in Lamwo

She Cares is a self-managed family planning initiative in Northern Uganda implemented by consortium partners International Rescue Committee, WORUDET and ACORD Uganda. From 2022 to 2024, She Cares partners used research, implementation and advocacy methods to bring self-managed contraception closer to adolescent girls and women living in Lamwo and Yumbe districts, many of whom are refugees from South Sudan. The following stories, shared in Palabek refugee settlement and the neighboring host community, are told by a range of stakeholders who have taken part in She Cares program activities. Included in these perspectives are women and girls who are navigating the world of family planning and self-care, health care workers who […]

Sanitary Wear for Rural Girls

Due to inability to effectively manage menstruation 1 out of 5 African school girls skip going to school or drop out of school entirely due to a lack of menstrual products and poor sanitation. Sanitary wear is a critical need for girls in school and a major barrier to education for girls of school going age. This is where your donation is helping to change this reality! Every girl deserves a bright future, the power to make her own choices about her health, family and career. But without education, this is a little more than a dream! Support our campaign by donating sanitary wear or contribute to the tailoring club […]

Endorsement of the Ministry of Health’s proposal on Access to Contraceptives for 15-Year-Olds in Uganda.

Endorsement of the Ministry of Health’s proposal on Access to Contraceptives for 15-Year-Olds in Uganda.

Network for Community Development (NCD) and Women and Rural Development Networks (WORUDET), two community-based organizations with decades of experience working on the adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights of diverse adolescents in Uganda; and working directly with adolescents themselves, including those who are amongst the most marginalized in Uganda, express our wholehearted support for the proposal to offer contraception to girls from 15 years old, in Uganda. This is a forward-thinking step towards addressing the urgent and complex challenges that adolescents face in the realm of reproductive health. It constitutes a crucial step towards empowering young girls and promoting their overall well-being. In this statement, we articulate our strong […]

She Cares: Self-awareness + self-management + self-testing = self-care

She Cares: Self-awareness + self-management + self-testing = self-care

Leaving no woman or girl behind: Advancing the learning agenda on SRHR self-care in humanitarian settings WORUDET is implementing She Cares, a two-year SRHR project (2022-2024) in partnership with IRC and ACORD Uganda. The project will use research, implementation and advocacy approaches to pilot self-care in SRHR in Palabek refugee settlement and the surrounding host communities in Lamwo district. She Cares will focus on adolescent girls and young women in humanitarian settings, giving them the power to achieve their sexual & reproductive health and rights. The She Cares project will achieve this goal through: Designing, implementing and generating evidence on innovative SRHR self-care interventions in refugee settings. Contributing to a […]

Supporting out-of-school Adolescent Girls’ Rights & Skills

Supporting out-of-school Adolescent Girls’ Rights & Skills

Sexual and reproductive economic empowerment (SHE) supporting out-of- school adolescent girls’ rights and skills (SOARS) WORUDET, in partnership with the Centre for Reproductive Rights and other six organizations, are implementing a six-year project on SRHR. WORUDET will focus on pillar 1300 and will be implementing the project in Arua, Madi-OkoloThe ultimate project outcome is to improve access to sexual and reproductive health (SRHR) services for adolescents, particularly out-of-school adolescent girls, in Kenya, Uganda, and Zambia. All these are integrated in four pillars (pillar 1100, pillar 1200, pillar 1300 and pilar 1400).To achieve this ultimate project outcome, the project will focus on four intermediate outcomes: Increase the use of sexual and […]